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President Biden Announces Vaccine Priority for Child Care, Head Start, and Early Childhood Settings
Mar 03, 2021
From the Administration for Children & Families
On March 1, 2021, President Biden announced that he is directing states to prioritize teachers, early educators, and child care program staff members for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic vaccination. He issued a challenge to states to provide at least the first vaccine dose to teachers and early educators by the end of the month. This group includes prekindergarten through 12th-grade teachers, people who work in child care centers, family child care providers, and Head Start and Early Head Start program staff members. Vaccines will be available in pharmacy locations. Staff in child care, Head Start, and other early childhood settings will be able to sign up for appointments.
The Office of Early Childhood Development, Office of Child Care, and Office of Head Start are thrilled to see the Biden Administration prioritize these essential workers who have been on the frontlines in the COVID-19 pandemic. We look forward to sharing more information in the coming days, and we appreciate your partnership in this work.
Watch President Biden’s remarks below.