Impact your entire community with improved access to quality child care
Impact your entire community with improved access to quality child care
High-quality child care is essential to Kansas’ economic and social well-being. By improving the quality and availability of child care in our state, we can watch as our communities and our youngest citizens start to thrive. Join us in our goal to reach every child, every family, and every Kansan.
Enhance provider support.
Expand parental options.
Spread child care awareness.
Challenges To Overcome
Challenges To Overcome
In many Kansas communities, there are not enough child care providers to meet the demand — which can make the availability and cost of care out of reach for some working families. But, increasingly low pay and high poverty rates threaten an already diminishing child care workforce.
Median annual wage for child care workers
Early educators are paid 4.3% less than K-8 colleagues
Early educators’ poverty rate is almost double the state average
Nearly 30% of early educators say they can’t afford the things they need
A majority of Kansas children under 6 live in a home where all adults work
Kansans often live in child care “deserts”
Nearly 40% of counties have only 1 slot for every 10 kids
Care center tuition is 1.3x more expensive than in-state college tuition.
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Take action for children and families
Take action for children and families
You have the power to advocate for more quality child care options in your community. From sharing what you learn with your network to taking steps to expand care in your community, you can make a difference starting today.
Connect with our child care advocacy partners
Additional Resources
Data / Reports
Kansas Community Data Dashboard
Understand your local health, education and employment needs.
Child Care Aware – Data Reports
Explore the status of child care supply and demand in your area.
KS Needs Assessment
A comprehensive review of the early care and education system.
Strategic Plan
View the All In For Kansas Kids Strategic Plan.
Data Explorer – ECTTAS
Search for data on various early care and education topics.
EES Reports
View Economic and Employment Services Reports from DCF.
Kansas Demographic Data
Access statistics on children, youth and families in Kansas.
Laws / Regulations
CCL Regulations
Explore Kansas Child Care Licensing (CCL) Regulations.
CCDF Regulations & State Plan
Learn more about the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF).
Kansas Disaster Plan
Get to know the state disaster plan for child care providers.
Early Childhood For Communities
Sesame Street in Communities
Resources to help children grow smarter, stronger and kinder.
Zero to Three
Parent resources for helping children’s growth and development.
The Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up (ABC) home visiting program.
Community-based child abuse prevention program and resources.
Local Breastfeeding Coalitions
Directory of local breastfeeding coalitions in Kansas.
Community-based child development resources and support.
All in for Kansas Kids
Grant and funding opportunities for Kansas communities.