- Child Care in Kansas - https://ccks.imagemakersdev.com -

Open Enrollment through the Healthcare Marketplace now through January 15th

Apply for health insurance during Open Enrollment through January 15th at www.healthcare.gov [1]. Apply by December 15th for coverage that starts on January 1st.  Ways to apply for 2023 health insurance [2], a webpage on Healthcare.gov, lists methods for applying for public health insurance.

What Do Early Educators Need to Know About the Marketplace? [3] This two-page document from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) provides critical information about how to access more affordable health coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace. A Spanish-language version is available on this webpage [4].

To apply for Medicaid in Kansas, visit Apply for KanCare (ks.gov) [5]. Both online and printable applications are available.