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June 21st is Child Tax Credit Awareness Day!

From the Administration for Children & Families [1]

Today, the Biden-Harris Administration celebrates Child Tax Credit Awareness Day. President Biden’s American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act included historic investments to support low- and middle-income parents who have long faced increasing financial strain, worsened by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Child Tax Credit Awareness Day is meant to ensure that parents know about the ARP Act’s historic expansion of the child tax credit (CTC) and how it will benefit their families.

 The CTC Provides Major Tax Relief for Nearly All Working Families

President Biden’s American Families Plan Calls for Extending the CTC for Years and Years

The new CTC enacted in the ARP Act is only available for 2021. President Biden strongly believes that we should extend the new CTC for years to come, and he proposes to do that in his American Families Plan.

Easy Signup for Low-Income Families To Cut Child Poverty in Half

Low-income families with children are eligible for this crucial tax relief, including those who have not made enough money to be required to file taxes. If a couple makes less than $24,800, a head of household makes less than $18,650, or a single filer makes less than $12,400, and they have not filed their taxes, a simple, easy tool is available to sign up for the CTC. Learn more at ChildTaxCredit.gov [3].

Help Us Spread the Word

Use June 21st as the occasion to host events, make calls, post on social media to elevate the CTC, or announce future efforts to promote awareness and signups for the CTC. Here are some ways to engage on that day and in the following weeks and months: